5 ways to keep your WordPress website immune to attacks

The mere thought of your site being hacked sends shivers down your spine. This could be the worst thing to happen to any website. But the fact is that attacks on WordPress websites are increasing day by day, the technology is getting smart so are the hackers. The only solution to save your WordPress website is to be a step ahead of these malicious people.
Below are mentioned those simple five things which would help to keep the website secure. And the best thing is that you don’t need a WordPress development company to do it. It can be all handled by yourself.
  • Update website as soon as the new version is available: Yes, we know you might be using a number of plugins and other extensions for your website, and updating them might appear to be tiresome. But these updates are just for your benefit, to make your website less vulnerable. Updating your themes and WordPress version is as important like plugin update. 
  • Username selection and protection: As soon as WordPress developers hand over the site to you, change the username from “admin” to something complex which cannot be easily guessed. Apart from this there are a number of ways through which hackers can find your username. So try to hide the username from such places too. 
  • Keep passwords complex and change them regularly: Try to keep your passwords complex, some combination of digits, alphabets and special characters so it becomes difficult for hackers to guess. Apart from this keep changing your passwords from time to time, as it will help you in keeping your site secure. 
  • Delete unwanted themes and plugins: Periodically check to find out the themes and plugins that you are not using.Always keep the code that is required and remove whatever is unwanted. Lesser the code easier it would be to manage security. 
  • Keep the login attempts limited: The best way to stop people from guessing your passwords and trying to get entry, is by reducing the number of login attempts from a particular IP. This is a great help.
These steps might appear very basic to you, but in reality they are of prime importance.